Blaise and Rose
Hello Jeff and Lynda

Your servant hearts and hands are such a blessing to bringing us to Hawaii and during our stay here.  Eden Above the Sea provided us respite and renewal at a much needed time.  The cottage provided the perfect place to gather, relax, and enjoy.  The setting was perfectly planned and equipped with everything we could need.  The thoughtful design allowed us to experience total joy.  The welcome bag you prepared for us was a perfect representation and taste of all things Hawaiin.  The sign with our names on it inside the cottage was a most personal welcome and made us feel special. Having a car was a game changer, as it was necessary to get anywhere on the "big island". The dinner you prepared for us was perfectly pampering.  Admittedly, it was awkward to accept such pampering when one is used to providing the service, but you and Jeff knew just how to make us comfortable and unwind.

Hawaii provided such ample opportunities for enjoyment....from relaxing in the sun/surf/sand, to snorkeling, magnificent sunsets and scenery, and to truly delight in God's awesomeness through His creation.  God is so good!  And we are grateful that you allow Him to use you to serve in your special and unique way.


Rose and Blaise (Jan. 2024)

Mike and Verna
Dear Jeff and Lynda

Thank  you so much for an amazing stay here! Your kindness and generosity made us feel so welcome! We enjoyed getting to worship with you and we pray your church grows. God’s richest blessings. May the Lord bless you and keep you. To God be the glory!

In His grip,

Mike and Verna (Jan. 2024)

Dana and Diane
Dear Jeff and Lynda

The respite we received here was much needed from your ministry at Eden Above The Sea.   We are returning to our ministry in Florida feeling refreshed and renewed. You both have received wonderful gifts from the Lord, including Eden Above The Sea and your servant hearts, and you are using those gifts that God has given you to serve others. We can’t help but just think of the words of 1 Peter 4:10, "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God‘s varied grace." Thank you for sharing these gifts with us!

Grace, peace and mercy,

Dana and Dianne (Jan. 2024)

John and Tammy
Jeff and Lynda

We can't thank you enough for the wonderful opportunity to enjoy Eden Above The Sea! Such a treat, and we had so much fun. You treated us to such a delightful service on Sunday and a great meal on Friday. You are both truly gifted for this ministry!

God bless you both,

John and Tammy (Feb. 2024)

Pete and Adele
Dear Jeff and Lynda

Thank you for the incredible hospitality you have shown us here at Eden Above The Sea! The attention paid to all of the little details and conveniences helped to make this trip so easy, relaxed, and enjoyable. The gourmet dinner topped off such an already amazing week, and was so appreciated. We felt the spirit of  "aloha" in the preparation and service!
We thank God in our remembrance of you and your service to others in His name!

Pete and Adele (Feb. 2024) 

Bob and Beth
Our dear friends in Christ

You and your retreat were such an answer to our prayer. We have been so impressed with seeing the joy of the Lord in your life and ministry. God is on the move here in Waikoloa Village. And it was so much fun to visit this afternoon about how we see God working in our individual and corporate lives. To God be the glory!

in Christ alone,

Bob  and Beth (Feb. 2024)

Jeremy and Alicia
Dear Jeff and Lynda

Hospitality is most definitely a spiritual gift, and we have truly benefited from your sharing with us. Thank you for the wonderful meal-it really was special for us to connect with each other and put away the cell phones and all of the worries that come with it. Thank you for the gift of time. It is so challenging to carve out time for the two of us, we learned that we need to make it more of a priority as we head back home. I'm so excited for the things that God has planned for your church, Child Beyond International, and Eden Above The Sea. We see that you place yourselves in a great position to let God work through you both.

In Christ,

Jeremy and Alicia

Jeff and Joyce
Dear Lynda and Jeff

How can we thank you enough for such a wonderful gift! Thank you for reaching out and inviting us. We have had a wonderful week enjoying the wonder of Hawaii and time with each other. Thank you for your attention to so many details that made our stay so memorable. The gourmet dinner, the gifts in the morning, and a glimpse into your blessed ministry, God is and will continue to use both of you to encourage and build up His servants in ministry. We also enjoyed our time together with you and your grandson. Thank you for making time for us to do that. 

With love and gratitude,

Jeff and Joyce (April 2024)

Steve and Carolyn
Dear Jeff and Lynda

Aloha! In our almost 46 years of marriage, producing four children and 12 grandchildren, we have experience many and varied blessings along the way. Our time at "Eden above the sea" most definitely ranked as one of the best! Jeff and Lynda, you are the most hospitable people we have ever met. You both truly exhibit the Spirit of Christ and the "Aloha" culture of these beautiful islands, and its people. We truly feel like "Ohana " with you and as is customary here..."A Hui Hou"

with much love and gratitude, 

Steve and Carolyn (April 2024)

Nate and Alison
Aloha Jeff and Lynda

What a blessing this week has been for us! It has been a restorative experience that we struggle to fully express. This is the first time we've ever traveled without our kids, and the first real trip we've taken in at least 15 years. Being here together is a gift, we will always treasure, and you are both a gift from God to the world and to us. Be well and continue to bless the world and the church. 

Mahalo, Nate, and Alison (April 2024)

Mike and Renee
Dear Jeff and Lynda

If we could sum up this week with one word, it would be blessed! We felt so blessed by everything from the special gifts to the yummy meal. You have truly created a restful and renewing place for God's people serving Him. Thank you for your servant hearts, and for your ministry. We feel closer, rested and ready to serve God with a renewed spirit! Thank you!

Mike and Renee (May 2024)

Steve and Debbie
Jeff and Lynda

Wow! Everything was perfect! It was the "trip of a lifetime" for us, and we finally made it to Hawaii (43 years later than I thought we would) 😆 but God's timing is always better than ours and this was the perfect time for us to get away, clear our minds, renew our selves, and enjoy God's beautiful creation! Your attention to detail was amazing. You thought of everything anyone would need!! Plus, the cottage is so beautifully decorated, and so comfy! What a gift and blessing this is to us as church workers to renew, rest, and relax, so we can continue the work He has given us to do for His kingdom. God bless you both!

Aloha! Steve and Debbie (May 2024) 

Bill and Sandy

What a blessing to meet the two of you and enjoy the tranquility of Hawaii and "Eden Above The Sea"! The accommodations  were so perfect with everything we could possibly want and more! This week encouraged us to slow down and enjoy each other and this beautiful place. Your love for each other, your ministry,  marriage and the health and ministry of others shined through! We feel encouraged to intentionally take care of ourselves, so that we can minister and take care of others. All of your special gifts were a blessing and we will enjoy using them and reading them in the days to come.

Aloha! Bill and Sandy (June 2024)

Aaron and Sofia
Dear Jeff and Lynda

We are so very grateful for the opportunity we had to stay at your beautiful place these past days. We are so moved by your kindness and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Waking up every morning and finding a special treat outside our door  was super sweet.
Aaron and I were able to enjoy beautiful places and beaches, beautiful sunsets and a sky full of stars. But most of all, Aaron and I were able to reconnect with each other in a way we haven’t been able to experience for a while. We missed our kids, but we now understand that it is necessary to be present for each other in order to be present for our kids.
We loved the meal that you guys prepared and served  for us with love. It was awesome! (The dessert presentation was very creative)

Standing by the beach enjoying the view, was a tangible reminder that we have a God who cares and provides for His people and is using you two in amazing ways.
May God continue using your gifts as a blessing to many marriages.

Aaron and Sofia (June 2024)

Ben and Celina
Jeff and Lynda

Wow! Over the last seven days, we have felt the presence and love of God here at Eden Above The Sea. It has been an unbelievable experience to pause daily routines and spend time soaking up the love of God in our marriage and our lives. All week, we kept thinking how amazing and needed this is for pastors and wives and how can we help more congregations offer something like this. We hope to help with this! We will always remember our patio dinner, watching the sunset on the upper deck and snorkeling at Kakua Point Park (best beach ever!). We cannot thank you enough for your generous hospitality. Christ's love shines through you! We will continue to pray for your ministry here and we commit to staying in touch about how to help replicate this in other places.  
with love and thanks,

Ben and Celina (June 2024) 

Eric and Rachel

There are no words to describe our gratitude for your wonderful hospitality! This trip not only gave us God's creation to enjoy the time together, time to reconnect and rejuvenate. You provided everything we could have ever needed, and then some! It's evident that God is working through you and this place. We will continue to pray for your ministry here and for all those that come through these doors that they can be renewed in both body and soul. Blessings on the mini years to come for Eden above the seat!

Eric and Rachel (June, 2024)

James and Karen
Jeff and Lynda

For those of us who have trouble slowing down, and who's ministry is uniquely demanding, this was the perfect respite for us! No pressure! Easy-going! Our needs were met! Island time is a real thing!
We are better today because of your care! Thank you! Christ's richest blessings!

James and Karen  (July 2024)

Mark and Joy
Aloha Jeff and Lynda

This was the best trip we've ever had together, a true blessing from God. This past decade we've experienced quite the attacks on our family by the devil. In the past few months, we have felt like the tide was turning around, and this trip affirmed this. Feeling God's love through the two of you was a real blessing we were not expecting, and it was so touching. We appreciate your prayers and continual kindness. Mahalo, so very much!

Mark and Joy (July 2014)

Zach and Allison
Lynda and Jeff


Wow! Words cannot express how grateful Allison and I are for the kindness, generosity, hospitality, and island love the two of you shared with us! We had a truly memorable 20th anniversary here on the Big Island. Between the hiking at Volcanoes National Park, snorkeling at Captain Cook, golfing at Waikoloa Village and Mauna Lani, not to mention the next-level dinner, we truly experienced paradise. We are grateful to be friends in ministry and partners with child beyond. I cannot wait to hear more about how God uses you both in ministry here in Waikoloa! You two are making a massive difference in so many peoples lives! So, in Red Letter stlye, let me close with these words, "well done, good and faithful servant."

Zach and Allison ( August 2028)

James and Emily
Dear Lynda and Jeff

Emily and I are beyond grateful for the amazing generosity you've shown to us this week. In the midst of wedding planning, the idea of taking a honeymoon got shelved on more than one occasion. But this ministry has afforded us the opportunity beyond our wildest dreams. We thought this would be a good trip, but we didn't realize just how great it would be. Great and necessary. I truly believe this honeymoon trip, this trip of a lifetime, this chance to explore God's creation, helped to set up Emily and my marriage for success. We had a week of dedicated time for each other, without pause or interruption, in your own little corner of paradise. This foundation built on Christ will last us a lifetime. Thank you again for your generosity, from the daily gifts to the accommodations to the best meal either of us have ever had in our lives thus far. God's richest blessings to you both as you continue this incredible journey!

a Hui Hou! 

James and Emily (August 2024) 

Andrew and Rebecca
Jeff and Lynda

Jeff and Lynda, thank you for the experience of a lifetime! We knew this trip would be wonderful, but every detail far exceeded our expectations. Thank you for sharing the spirit of aloha with us every day, and especially for sharing God's word and gifts with us. We are leaving here, refreshed, recharged, and with a deeper connection then we came with. You have truly helped us to rest. You both are such giving, loving people, and we thank God for the example of marriage, He has given us through you. The island was a pleasure to explore from the volcanoes, to the colorful beaches, the waterfalls, luaus, and sunsets. The cottage provided a quiet place to find peace, relaxation, and the ability to step back from the quick pace of every day life. Our romantic dinner, however, was our favorite night. Never before have we received such love and attention. Hats off to the chef, and waiter Jeffrey deserves a big tip! Many blessings as you continue this wonderful service in the Lord! Mahalo!

Andrew and Rebecca (August 2024) 

Mike and Kristi
Lynda and Jeff

Wow! You hospital-ized up a storm! Literally. But, we think this week deserves a review… Saturday; arrive. Renew connections. Put on the "pastor front". We will give as much back as we reseve ". But oh, my Lord, are we running dry, and feeling thin. Sunday; try all the relaxation seats! On the lanai, and perched up high. Tubbing and refreshing. Then… Receiving at worship; the beach and holding hands (the guilt of relaxing is contracting). Monday turtles! Bumped by a noisy ocean on my back! Thanks for the extra time! "Oh, that Bella!" Releasing Tuesday, Kris and Mike rediscover golf together! Kohala sites, but first, shave ice; Hawi, Pololo Valley, and… The lush mountain road plus a gorgeous sunset! (genuine joy, and romance!)  Wednesday, Heiau and history; hand holding while snorkeling, "two step", and then… Dolphins! Romantic dinner, exquisite care. (We feel loved on and listen to.) Thursday, sleeping in with no guilt. Off to Hilo side. Botanical gardens, and the cacao farm… Chocolate! Dinner with friends as it rains. (circled back and had those harder talks). Sad to say, just one more day. More NP at Heiau history; Spencer, and Mau'upae, shave ice! (again), dinner, sunset and a romantic dessert at the Marriott. More time with friends. (We are reacquainted with one another, slept long, bubbled frequently; indulgd in a glass of wine and time.) We have been given grace upon grace, and experienced "in the flesh" love and care from outside of us. Bless you, Lynda; top, Chef! And Jeff; tireless servant, and joy bringer! Took the freedom to be a bit different, but only to express our deep gratitude for facilitating a needed over the top refreshment. Jesus, thank You for your servants and for preparing them to love your called helpers, so very well!

With much love, Mike and Kristi (August 2024)

Aaron and Gretchen
Dear Jeff and Lynda

Thank you for the incredible week! Your hospitality was over the top. We felt and saw Jesus all week through your service. Highlights of the week where your incredible meal, snorkeling, and sun at Beach 69, great shave ice from Ben who you recommended, takeout from Fireart and then Sunset dinners at the beach. What a week! So many thanks for making this incredible week for us.

Aaron and Gretchen ( August  2024)

Brent & Kara
Jeff and Lynda

We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at Eden Above The Sea! You have thought of everything, and took care of us so well. And if this were an Airbnb, (which we're glad it's not!) you would be Super Hosts! We can't thank you enough for all you did to make this week truly special and relaxing for us. Thank you for making us feel pampered and cared for. We feel truly blessed to have stayed at Eden Above The Sea. May God bless this ministry, and both of you!
To God, be the glory,

Brent and Kara ( September, 2024)

Jay and Shannon
Dear Jeff and Lynda
When you are in the 'caring for others" business, there's always someone in greater need than you, so it's easy to lose perspective and not see how empty your own cup has become.  Most of us just grind harder, work longer and can't figure out why we're struggling so much.  We continually try to operate out of empty.  Ministry can be like a long slog through a never ending desert of dryness.
From the moment Lynda greeted us at the airport through the time we left, our cup was constantly being refilled.  Both Jeff and Lynda know the challenge of ministry and the toll it takes, and their "super-power" is refilling ministry workers. 
The living spaces are beautifully appointed and stocked with everything you would find at a five star resort.  Free use of a car, beach equipment, jacuzzi and an observation deck to watch the incredible sunsets made for both a fun and restful experience.  The welcome gift bag and daily gifts constantly spoke to us words of encouragement, affirmation and appreciation from the Lord.  
Etched in our memory are the evenings we watched the sun dip into the ocean amidst a multi color backdrop of orange, red and purple.  Then the second act of the show would then begin as the stars began to appear until the night sky was atwinkle with galaxies that sang out Ps.19:1- "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands".
The final evening Lynda & Jeff prepared and served a romantic dinner for us that rivaled any experience I have had at the finest restaurants: mouth watering steak and fish entrees, delicious appetizers & dessert paired with perfect wines as Hawaiian music played in the background and the flowing water feature whispered to our souls, "See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland".  Simply perfect!
Thank you Lynda and Jeff for sharing your spiritual gifts of hospitality and encouragement.  Our cup is filled, there is a stream once again watering our desert.  We thank God for you!
Jay & Shannon (September 2024)
Nate and Melissa
Jeffrey and Miss Lynda

We love you two so very much! God has blessed us through you guys time and time again! Thank you for the wonderful surprise to get to stay here in this cottage. We are happy you two were able to enjoy it with us. All of this has made our 25th anniversary very very special. There is no restaurant in the universe that could top Lynda's amazing food or that could top Jeffrey our server! Thank you for all of the aloha that you shared with us and continue to bless many couples that passed through here to get the relaxing renewal we all need.
Love always your brother and sister in Christ,

Nate and Melissa (September 2024)

Steve and Cathy
Our dear friends in Christ, Jeff and Lynda

What we thought was going to be a relaxing vacation in Hawaii, turned out to be more than we ever could have imagined! (Ephesians 3:20). God blessed us in so many ways during our week at Eden Above The Sea and totally answered your prayers for us!
You are both amazing blessings and examples to us, and we thank God for your servant hearts! Thank you for loving us, with Jesus' love and sharing so sacrificially and generously of your selves! May God continue to bless you, as you have blessed many others!

Much love in Jesus,

Steve and Cathy (September 2024)

Jon and Nicole

Dear Lynda, Jeff, and everyone -past and present -who has made this week possible for us: From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you! We saw waterfalls, hiked a volcano, swam with the manta ray, stargazed on a mountain, snorkeled with sea turtles, lounged in a hot tub, and much more! The unmatched beauty of Hawaii has captivated our hearts,  as has your kindness, generosity, and aloha spirit. We are grateful to God for your ministry, and we are returning to family, service, and work with gratitude and renewed faith in God's beautiful work for us and through us.

Mahalo and Aloha, 

Jon and Nicole (October, 2024)